digital learning

Digital Learning Day logo

You might wonder, “What is Digital Learning?” According to Ohio Senate Bill 316, “Digital learning, means learning facilitated by technology that gives students some element of control over time, place, path or pace of learning.” Digital learning encompasses the effective use of technology to empower teachers and students. Digital Learning Day (DLD) allows schools a set time to discuss and share ways to provide every child the opportunity to learn in a robust digital environment every day, with the goal of success in college and a career. It is a day to celebrate and empower teachers, showcase innovative usages of technology and share resources.

The Little Engine That Could

Watty Piper’s classic message from 1930 in The Little Engine That Could is applicable today, more than eighty years later.  Although the first time the phrase – “I think I can” – was found was in a 1902 Swedish journal, and again soon after, in 1906, in Reverend Charles Wing’s sermon to his Brooklyn congregation that had just paid off the church’s mortgage … most humans believe they are capable of greater achievements.