Daily Digest

The Digest for today highlights the 54,000 new manufacturing jobs added to Ohio's workforce over the past four years, and the $20 billion in education funding contributed from the Ohio Lottery. Also included is an update on Senator Portman's visit to RAMTEC, a vocational school for manufacturing of robots, and national news on the FY215 budget and STEM education along with a study on the job market changing for college graduates. 

Today we feature a lot of information on libraries and the move toward digital content. We provide information on the MoMA library featuring a new library collaboration for guests, a research study showing positive trends at American public libraries, and a library consortium working to loan more e-books. We also feature a new deal between Ohio State and Nationwide Insurance company, and a 3D printer in Amsterdam. 

Included in today's digest is information on Montana linking K-12 transcript data to universities, a new viral education program known as TED-Ed, and Michigan moving records to the cloud. Also featured is information on female minority students targeted from an Engineering outreach program and some information on memory and handwriting. 

Today we share information on Ohio's teen jobless rate, Kasich's new plans for education in his budget proposal and an investment in a Manufacturing campus in central Ohio. Also included is information on grants funding internships and co-op programs funded through the board of regents, and a new computer model that could increase data access speeds by 100x. 

We focus today on a new plan linking unemployment insurance and job training on the federal level, IBM analytics improving auto quality at BMW, and an essay-grading software tool that will save time for teachers. Also included is information on new digital literacy teacher efforts in Colorado school libraries and a STEM Center for Innovation in a Cleveland suburb. 
