K12 Transcripts, Viral Education, Data in the Cloud & More

Associate Vice President for Policy, OSU/OH-TECH
Ohio Technology Consortium
Friday, March 14, 2014 - 10:05am

Montana to link K-12 transcript data to universities (GCN) – The state of Montana is working to create an electronic transcript database to provide a free link to share transcripts between K-12 schools and the state’s universities.


Viral Education: TED-Ed Makes Learning Social, Shareable and Scalable (ED Tech) – Two years after its launch the TED-Ed YouTube channel has proven to a be a highly successful platform for supplying accessible and entertaining lessons to millions of viewers.


Forever accessible archives? Michigan moves its records to the cloud. (GCN) – The state of Michigan has turned to a cloud based service called Perservica to help store and maintain the state’s electronic records at a fraction of the cost that building their own database system would have been.


Engineering Outreach inspires female, minority students with cool, hands-on projects (onCampus) – OSU’s electrical and computer engineering department is working hard through its Engineering Outreach program to encourage more females and minorities to become interested in engineering.


Why Learning to Write by Hand Matters (Education Week) – Despite a recent focus to use technology to overcome poor handwriting, there is a growing amount of research that suggests that learning proper handwriting is linked to a number of other skills such as language learning, reading development, and working memory. 


Also, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the World Wide Web, here are 25 things you may not know about the internet: http://www.webat25.org/news/webfacts