Daily Digest

Today's Daily Digest focuses on a wide variety of subjects including an increase in orders for Airbus that will create manufacturing production in Dayton to boom, Big Data being put to use in central Ohio, Case Western Reserve University developing free online courses, and the potential for sequestration cuts to have further effects (in addition to the shutdown). The Digest also features an article on mobile internet use, the shutdown effects on HPC research, and the debate between traditional and online education!

The Daily Digest for this Tuesday focuses on various topics such as the relationship between 3D printing and agriculture manufacturing, wireless devices straining campus networks, the increase in STEM graduates, and funding to Louisiana State University for new supercomputing efforts. There are also articles on higher education lobbying efforts focusing more on state and local governments and the student loan default rate in Ohio.

The first daily digest of the week features more articles on the effects of the government shutdown as it pertains to scientific research. We also have articles on manufacturing and productivity, changes in state energy laws, a shift in how libraries focus on targeting their audience and providing their services, along with an article on the increase of tablet computer use. 

The Daily Digest for today features articles on NSF awards to San Diego Supercomputer Center in California and a Penn State University project focusing on natural gas drilling. Also included are articles featuring a new patnership with India and Bangladesh pertaining to cross-border power transmission, student loan default rates, and course management company Design2Learn's new efforts in massive open online courses. 

Today's Daily Digest covers stories concerning the effect of the Affordable Care Act and job growth in Ohio, historically black public colleges and increase in enrollment, attendance encouragement at local public schools, and libraries evolving into technology centers. Two more articles are featured in the DD for today, focusing on how some districts are functioning without technology officers and the NSA working on productivity during the shutdown. 

Today’s Daily Digest features articles concerning legal risks involved with moving to cloud computing, the benefits of massive open online courses in 2-year institutions, the effect of the shutdown on small business investments and national security, and a new OSU software venture to improve patient education.


The Daily Digest for this Friday consists of articles revolving around education investment being the next big "bursting bubble" in the global economy, OSU's new partnership with Microlin Bio to diagnose new types of cancer, supercomputing and cleaner environmental practices, the shutdown's effect on libraries, and a software developer firm moving to Dublin, Ohio. 

The Daily Digest for today is compiled of articles featuring more information on the government shutdown and how exactly each agency will be affected, information on the upcoming Manufacturing day on October 4th, student loan default rates,  school districts using data for teaching assistance, and how the White House is working on efforts to incorporate more women into STEM subjects.
