Numerous information technology professionals from around the state gathered at the OARnet office on Oct. 23 to attend the Member Meeting.
This semi-annual meeting allows users and leadership to come together to discuss the performance, usage and expansion of OARnet, as well as to hear about some of the current projects being conducted using the network’s resources.

The day commenced with an Ohio Valley Internet2 Consortium meeting. After this, the main OARnet Member Meeting kicked off with a presentation from OARnet Interim Executive Director and Chief Relationship Officer, Denis Walsh. Walsh discussed numerous updates and initiatives, including the status of the executive director search, where the fiber renewal project stands and the status of the statewide 911 project. He then highlighted some current innovative programs from around the state.
Rebecca Dolan, OARnet’s interface and applications manager, briefly spoke about and demonstrated the newest instance of ServiceNow, the platform that allows users to report issues with their network service. Gwen Evans, OhioLINK’s executive director, discussed how her organization’s use of OARnet services allows for increased open access to educational resources imperative for students and staff alike.
After a short break, the discussion turned to the Ohio Cyber Collaboration Committee, represented by Mark Bell, cybersecurity coordinator for the Adjutant General’s Department of Ohio. Bell discussed the necessity for ramping up cybersecurity throughout Ohio and walked through several ways the state plans to coordinate with OARnet to make this feasible in the near future.
Several panelists from universities around the state presented information about current projects utilizing the OARnet backbone, which allowed attendees to network and discuss with one another how to better use the network resources. The day closed with committee meetings on performance (OARperf), technical issues (OARtech) and security (OARsec).
Look for upcoming information about the next member and committee meetings.