Daily Digest

In today's Daily Digest we discuss Columbus's trash problem that has been created by the mass move out of students near Ohio State, a new program for Columbus City Schools that will provide free lunch to all students, a study that has found that single parents tent to invest more in their child's education than their own retirement, a new test that is aimed at assessing kindergarten readiness in Ohio, and the strong economic impact that National Parks have had for the state of Ohio.

This week we begin by examining which college majors have the highest average salaries, a new program in Ohio that will allow high school students to take the ACT or SAT for free, the elimination of the Ohio Graduation Test requirement for graduting, the Dept. of Education's announcement of a new series of sites aimed at testing more flexible education programs, and a study that has found Ebay to have one of the most diverse workforce amoung the high tech giants.

We begin the month of August by discussing the approval of 37 grants to help Ohio schools improve innovation in their classrooms, the Federal Reserve suggests that the economy may not be growing as strongly as it appears, the architect of the Columbus City Schools data scrubbing scandal has plead no contest, IBM is providing supercomputing time to scientists working on climate change projects, and a number of schools are switching to having year round classes to avoid 'learning loss' in the summer months. 

For the last day in July we will be looking at the rising average cost of school supplies, England's approval to allow autonomous vehicles to use public roads starting next year, a new 3D printing method that will allow multiple types of metal to be used in one print, a significant increase in consumer confindence for the summer months, and unexpectedly high growth of 4% for the U.S. economy in the second quarter this year. 

For this Wednesday's Digest we will discuss Amazon's announcement that it will be launching a 3D printed product store, Canada's purchase of a supercomputer system to help combat crime, a closer look at the reality of the cost of college, a new Ohio House bill that has been introduced that would eliminate the Common Core standards in Ohio, and Google's partnership with Duolingo to create standardized tests.

In today's Daily Digest we will be highlighting Columbus's free online pre-k program SPARK, a new look at the Census Bureau's STEM Report that is questioning the supposed shortage of STEM workers, a look at Ohio's economic recovery as compared to other states, research being conducted by the Army to create 3D printed weapons, and Ohio's low rank for providing long-term health care in an AARP report. 

This Friday the Daily Digest takes a look at the pay gap within the healthcare industry between jobs that require college degrees and jobs that don't, Ohio University's high ranking internationally, an effort among Columbus' small businesses to train people for the jobs they have available, a study that looks at the differences between students who take one versus two math courses at a time, and a report that suggests that 3D printing in space may be more difficult than previously known.

This Thursday's Digest looks at the implications of some recent reports. In Ohio the poverty rate has been increasing, however fewer people have been receiving state aid at the same time, likewise education and healthcare have been increasing for children in Ohio despite Ohio's rank of 24th for poverty amoung children. A study from the Federal Reserve has found that starting salaries for recent graduates have been rising slower than most other positions, principals in the U.S. have been found to be more likely to view their students as poor, and young female scientists are struggling with harrassment during work in the field according to a recent study.

Today's Daily Digest takes a look at the possible effects that autonomous cars will have on fuel consumption, a record setting year at Ohio State for donations from alumni and others, some changes in the FAFSA application that will help correct for incorrectly reported incomes, an upcoming announcement from the President regarding a nationwide effort to improve education for minority students, and Ohio's increasing collection of sales tax from online sales.

In today's Digest we highlight a new competition to create electric cars out of old refrigerators, recent data from public universities that shows low on time graduation rates, an announcement that 11 of Ohio's 13 public universities are planning to increase tuition this year, a report that shows high job growth in states that have recently raised their minimum wage, and the high unemployment rate that is currently impacting people ages 18-29.
