Student Loans, Agriculture, Open Enrollment & More

Associate Vice President for Policy, OSU/OH-TECH
Ohio Technology Consortium
Wednesday, March 5, 2014 - 9:04am


Student Loans Entice Borrowers More for Cash Than a Degree (The Wall Street Journal) – A recent study into student loan debt has found a troubling trend of people accessing student loans to help pay off other debt such as credit cards and rent, some with little or no intent of actually obtaining a degree.


New degree programs to fill demand for $105B industry (Bloomberg BusinessWeek) – Urbana University will be offering a new program this fall in agribusiness to prepare students for the strong agriculture industry in Ohio.


Ed Tech Is Poised to Go Mainstream (Forbes) – As primary schools fill with a generation of digital natives it is important for educators to find ways to harness new technologies to help better education this generation of internet users.


Open enrollment in Ohio schools leads to racial, economic segregation in Akron and elsewhere (Akron Beacon Journal) – An Akron Beacon Journal study has found that open enrollment has led to increased segmentation between schools around economic and racial lines.


Our Supercomputer Overlord Is Now Running A Food Truck (NPR) – IBM has teamed up with the Institute of Culinary Education to use the Watson supercomputer to help develop new ingredient combinations and recipes by relying on Watson’s unique ability to sort through and analyze data.