Congress, Common Core, MOOCs & More

Former Program Coordinator
Monday, August 25, 2014 - 2:51pm
Congress Making Headway on Higher Education Act (Education Week) – Both chambers of Congress have been working on legislation that will reauthorize the Higher Education Act, and there appear to be some key changes that all sides are agreeing upon.
Tennessee students make big gains in ACT scores (The Tennessean) – The state of Tennessee saw significant gains in the average ACT scores of its students. Tennessee is one of 12 states that currently require all of its students to take the ACT test, a practice that has received mixed criticism in recent years. 
Kasich expresses support for Common Core standards (Dayton Daily News) – Governor Kasich recently expressed his support for Ohio sticking to the Common Core standards, despite a recently proposed bill by Republican House members to repeal the standards.  
Moocs are free – but for how much longer? (Times Higher Education) – While MOOCs were conceived to provide free access to college courses, MOOC providers are beginning to include various pay for features to help them cover their costs. 
Dousing wildfires with big data (GCN) – Researchers at the San Diego Supercomputer Center are using a network of sensors and satellite images to help build more accurate models of how wildfires behave.