Brazil, Science & Technology, Budgets & More

Associate Vice President for Policy, OSU/OH-TECH
Ohio Technology Consortium
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 - 10:00am (updated Wednesday, November 27, 2013 - 10:28pm)
Daily Digest

Financial Outlook For Colleges Remains Negative (The Wall Street Journal) – For the second year in a row Moody’s has kept a negative outlook for the higher education sector of the U.S.

Kasich urges Obama, Congress to draft federal balanced budget amendment (The Columbus Dispatch) – Governor Kasich is asking states to ratify a legislation that would call for a convention to create a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Ohio recently became the 20th state to ratify this legislation.

Big Data in Brazil: 2013 is the year of adoption (ZDNet) – According to a recent survey of global organizations every industry sector in Brazil has adopted plans to invest in Big Data in the next two years.

Big data: Have computers wiped out humans? (IT Pro Portal) – Despite the overwhelming scale of data available, big data still requires human input to make it useful and relevant.

HPC and Science & Technology Policy (HPC Wire) – Due to the lack of a national HPC policy projects from a range of fields such as education, big data, and industrial computing are all competing to receive limited federal funds. By examining the current HPC projects a clear policy could be formed to guide future choices.