A broad array of researchers, developers, system administrators and students that share an interest in the MVAPICH open-source library for high performance computing will gather at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) Aug. 19–21 for the seventh meeting of the MVAPICH Users Group (MUG).

The Network-Based Computing Research Group (NOWLAB) led by Dhabaleswar K. “DK” Panda, Ph.D., a professor and university distinguished scholar of computer science at The Ohio State University, created and enhances the popular MVAPICH HPC system software package. Panda is a longtime user of OSC services and partners closely with the center’s staff on several research projects.
“Dr. Panda’s software is foundational for supercomputers around the world, including OSC’s systems and many of the Top 500,” said David Hudak, Ph.D., executive director of OSC. “Beyond just the software, the partnership with DK and his research group has provided OSC with a great deal of insight and expertise over the years.”
The MUG meeting provides an open forum for all attendees (users, system administrators, researchers, engineers, and students) to discuss and share their knowledge on using MVAPICH2, MVAPICH2-X, MVAPICH2-GDR, MVAPICH2-Virt, MVAPICH2-EA, and INAM on large-scale systems and for a diverse set of applications.
In addition to demos, hands-on, one-on-one and open-mic sessions, the three-day event will feature keynote addresses from Dan Stanzione, executive director of the Texas Advanced Computing Center, and Robert Harrison, director of the Institute of Advanced Computational Science at Stony Brook University and the Computational Science Center at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
The conference also will include tutorials from ARM, Mellanox, IBM and Panda’s Network-Based Computing Research Group, focusing on upcoming developments, as well as invited talks from many organizations: OSC, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, The University of Edinburg (United Kingdom), Northeastern University, Konkuk University (South Korea), Microsoft Azure, KISTI Supercomputing Center (South Korea), Blue Brain Project, EPFL (Switzerland), Intel, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), Mellanox, Paratools and University of Oregon, Intel, RWBC-OIL, AIST (Japan) and San Diego Supercomputing Center.
MVAPICH2 is a popular open-source implementation of the MPI-3.1 standard prevalent on systems with InfiniBand, Omni-Path, iWARP or RoCE interconnects. Message Passing Interface (MPI), the lingua franca of scientific parallel computing, is a standard for the communications library that a parallel application uses to share data among tasks and is available on a variety of parallel computer platforms.
In addition to OSC’s Pitzer, Owens and Ruby systems, MVAPICH is powering systems for more than 3,025 organizations in 89 countries worldwide. The number of downloads from the MVAPICH site has exceeds 558,000.
This year’s MUG meeting is sponsored by OSC, Mellanox Technologies, Paratools, X-ScaleSolutions, National Science Foundation and The Ohio State University. For more information on the meeting, please visit http://mug.mvapich.cse.ohio-state.edu/.