Kevin Wohlever, who has been serving as interim director of the Ohio Technology Consortium’s Shared Infrastructure (SI) division, has been named the full-time director, effective July 1.
Wohlever will concurrently hold the title of Interim Director of Supercomputing Operations during a transition of duties over the next 4-6 months, and the search for a new director will begin immediately. Wohlever has overseen the Ohio Supercomputer Center’s HPC operations since 2009 and has worked on OSC systems since its inception in 1987, except for a short interval in the early 1990s.
The SI group provides a wide range of technical services to all OH-TECH member organizations (OSC, OARnet, OhioLINK, eTech, eStudent Services), as well as to the Board of Regents and affiliated units there, such at the Ohio Tuition Trust Authority. SI technical services include management of the LAN, servers, storage management, security, desktop services, videoconferencing, digital printers, and ITIL ticketing (ServiceNow) and project management services.